
Picture Book Pick of the Week - Harry the Dirty Dog

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I chose a book about cats for my last 
Picture Book Pick of the Week.

My dog was feeling slighted by this choice, so this week I decided to feature a cute book about his kind --
in particular, a book about a dog that likes to get dirty.  

A dog quite like my pet, Sammy.  
He especially loves to roll in anything stinky!  Sigh.   

The title of todays' book choice is 
Harry the Dirty Dog by Gene Zion.

I'm linking this post to Deanna Jump's
Let's Talk Books linky party.  
You may want to pop by there for more book ideas later! 

But on to the story!
Now Harry was a dog that didn't like to have baths.
So much so, that on bath day he'd hide his scrub brush by burying it in the yard!

One day he decided to leave his home to go have an adventure.
He went to all kinds of places.
And he got dirtier.. 

and dirtier...
...until he was no longer a white dog with black spots.
  Now he was a black dog with white spots!
Harry began to miss his family, but when he returned home, he was so dirty that no one knew who he was!
In a panic, Harry tried all kinds of tricks to get his family to recognize him.  
But nothing worked!

So Harry came up with a plan.
He dug up his scrub brush and ran upstairs with it.

The children saw that the "stray dog" wanted a bath.
So they obliged.  And guess what happened?
When Harry got out of the bath, his family recognized him!
Now Harry was happy to be all clean!

But he still hid his scrub brush under his pillow!
I read Harry the Dirty Dog when we were doing a pet unit (and of course showed the children a picture of my dirty dog at the same time!)

This book could also be great combined with a little lesson on hand washing and germs, a unit on health, or just for no reason at all! 
 Books about pets are always fun to read!

Since we're on the topic of dogs, I couldn't resist sharing the poster below ( originally posted by Q107 Toronto).  

I definitely see myself in this progression!

Does this sound familiar to anyone? :)

Ever Lost the Attention of Your Class?

No matter what age of student you teach, there will be times when the attention of your class goes sideways.   

In my preschool class, all of a sudden, everyone might start talking at once excited to share a story about their weekend.

Or maybe one student will copy the sound of a sneeze in a book I'm reading and then all of their compadres will follow suit.  

Or maybe it's time to go outside, but no one wants to sit quietly to wait for his turn to line up.  

Yep. It's all part of teaching.  And some years, with some classes, there's more issues than with others!

One strategy we use to regain quiet in the midst of circle time is to sing...

"It's my turn to talk and it's your turn to listen."


"Put your finger on your lips on your lips.  Shh.   Shh."

Another surprisingly effective strategy in our classroom is to simply say loudly,
 "Oh dear!  Oh dear!"
For some reason that usually grabs the students attention pretty quickly!

I saw more ideas for grabbing attention in 
a FREE printout provided by 
the Clever Classroom below.

But before you check it out, I'd love to have you post a comment for how you grab attention in your classroom.  
The more options we teachers have the better!   

After, click {here} or on the image below if you'd like to access your free copy of  Class Attention Grabbers on TPT.
It includes some great ideas!

Mr. Pusskins - Picture Book Pick of the Week + Freebie

Do you love cats?

I know I do.  
Even though they tend to be moody and grouchy and very much "in charge" of the household. 

Or maybe that's just my cat?
Well, I do know of another fictional cat that's just like mine--   And he is featured in this week's 
 Picture Book Pick of the Week.

This week's choice is
  Mr. Pusskins by Sam Lloyd.
This book is funny and sweet with a pace just perfect for the Preschool and Kindergarten crowd.

In the story, Mr. Pusskins is treated like a little king by his owner Emily, but Mr. Pusskins appreciates nothing.
(Just get a load of his expression below!)

  Mr. Pusskins wants something better for himself and he thinks he can find it out in the big, wide world. 

He runs away to a life in the streets and finds a raucous gang of alley cats to "hang" with.
They have lots of fun.  For a while.  

Then Mr. Pusskins realizes that the alley cats
 aren't really his friends.  

They aren't kind and sweet like Emily.
  And Mr. Pusskins starts to feel cold and alone.
Mr. Pusskins misses his old life.  And Emily. 
So he finds a way to contact her.
The two get reunited!
The story ends with Mr. Pusskins having a major attitude improvement!
He appreciates his fine home and loving owner, and  
he becomes a happy and sweet cat.
At least most of the time.
I love the funny images in this book 
(especially those of Mr. Pusskins' grouchy face!)
 and I like the book's underlying message of learning to appreciate what you have.

It was a hit with my group and I can confidently recommend it for yours!

If you'd like to combine this book with a writing activity or a unit you may be doing on Pets, you may want to download this FREE worksheet.

Just click {here} to pick up your copy!
If you know someone else who might like this post, please pass it on to a friend!

I'm linking this book to Deanna Jump's 
Let's Talk About Books Series
Join up for more ideas!